dimecres, 23 de maig del 2012

Description and Comparasion

  He's Josep Guardiola. He's buld. His eyes are brown. He's an adult. He's handsome. He's dark. He's tall. He's slim. He's wearing a jaket. He's a good coach.
  He's José Mourinho. His hair is straight. His hair is short. He's slim. He's short. He's ugly. He's an adult. His eyes are drown. He's dark. He's a bad coach.
-Guardiola is better than Mourinho.
-Guardiola is balder than Mourinho.
-Guardiola is taller than Mourinho.
-Mourinho is uglier than Guardiola.
-Mourinho is older than Guardiola.
-Mourinho is a worse person than Guardiola.
-Guardiola is more intelligent than Mourinho.
-Guardiola is more expensive than Mourinho. (jajajaja)
-Mourinho is richer than Guardiola.
-Mourinho is sillier than Guardiola.

dissabte, 19 de maig del 2012

Redaction St. Jordi

Sarah and Kike
Once upon a time one french and dumb girl, Sarah, met one englishman, Kike in one summer colony in London. Two years ago he and her family went to live in France because her dad got job in Paris. Sarah and Kike were found in the Eifel Tower.They fall in love but Kike didn’t know how to understand and Sarah the same, because Sarah was dumb and she only knew how to read lips with french.
One day Kike invite Sarah in a luxury restaurant, in there he declared his love, because he learned sing language. Sarah with the ilusion of time, she recovered her voice and her ear.
They got married amb they made a school of dead boys and girls.
The End

dijous, 29 de març del 2012

A Ghost Story!

One day I went to a summer camp with my friends. The firts night we went to a forest, inside the forest I saw one tomb. In the tomb it said " Rip. Here Michelle Sparkopsti sleep". We were scared and we ran as far as the summer camp. The next day, I told the story to the instructor and he said " Michelle was the owner of this summer camp". I told the instrucor to tell that this tomb was her mum's. We were very calm. Then we saw one ghost! The ghost was one woman, she was the same as michelle´the owner. We thought, she was the ghost of Michelle's mum. After that, she disappeared and we didn't see micelle's mum agein. The next morning we went to our house. In my house I told the story to my parents.